Community Participation Program Summary - Phase III


Marcy Holmes
Strategy Name
Mod #s
1.1.1 2011 Engagement Efforts $71,045.38     $71,045.38  
1.1.2 2012-13 Engagement Efforts $90,907.86     $90,907.86  
1.1.3 2014-16 Engagement Efforts $249,594.26     $249,594.26 1,2
1.1.4 2017-21 Engagement Efforts $447,707.74     $447,707.74  
TOTAL COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT FUNDS$859,255.24     $859,255.24  
2.1.1 Reserve         1
2.1.2 Shade Tree Action Plan $18,192.27   $3,408.09 $21,600.36 2,3,9,14
2.1.3 Parking Issues     $17,000.00 $17,000.00 3
2.1.4 Street Pedestrian / Bike Bridge Enhancements     $2,000.00 $2,000.00 4
2.1.5 Greater Dinkytown - Road Map for the Future     $14,540.00 $14,540.00 4,6,10
2.1.6 Elwell Park Signage / Kiosk     $29,650.00 $29,650.00 4,5,10
2.1.7 Creative Placemaking Micro-granting Program     $5,850.00 $5,850.00 5,7,14
2.1.8 Security Rebate Program     $5,000.00 $5,000.00 5,12
2.1.9 Housing - Inclusive Financing Feasibility Study     $2,500.00 $2,500.00 5
2.1.10 Eastside Litter Container Program     $7,600.00 $7,600.00 5,10
2.1.11 Dinkytown Farmers Market Expansion     $3,000.00 $3,000.00 6
2.1.12 Sheridan Story Weekend Food Project     $2,000.00 $2,000.00 6
2.1.13 Census 2020 Outreach     $4,111.84 $4,111.84 8,13
2.1.14 COVID-19 Response     $1,761.06 $1,761.06 9,13,14
2.1.15 Traffic Calming and Pedestrian Safety Program     $25,000.00 $25,000.00 11
2.1.16 Environmental and Greening Programming     $10,000.00 $10,000.00 11
2.1.17 Community Engagement     $10,000.00 $10,000.00 11
2.1.18 Staffing/Additional Program Implementation     $54,000.00 $54,000.00 11
TOTAL NEIGHBORHOOD PRIORITY FUNDS$18,192.27   $197,420.99 $215,613.26  
TOTAL ALLOCATIONS$877,447.51   $197,420.99 $1,074,868.50  
No.Plan Step ModifiedApprovedDescription
1Community Participation Program03/31/14The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $7,000 from the NPP Reserve (Neighborhood Priorities 2.1.1.) to 2014-16 Engagement Efforts (Community Engagement 1.1.3.).
2Community Participation Program03/31/15The NCR Director approved a modification to reallocate $7,000 from 2014-16 Engagement Efforts to the Shade Tree Action Plan NPP.
3Community Participation Program03/12/18The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate a total of $19,200 from the following: (1) $13,681.12 in Program Income from Owner-occupied Housing Improvements (Housing 1.A.1.); (2) $700 from Commercial Property Improvement Assistance (Economic and Public Realm 1.A.1.); (3) $132.33 from Marcy School Improvements (Social and Cultural Environment 1.A.1.); and (4) $4,686.55 from Southeast Library Handicapped Accessibility (Social and Cultural Realm 1.A.2.). The funds are reallocated to the following Phase III strategies: (1) $2,200 in Program Income to Emerald Ash Borer (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 1.1.); and (2) $17,000 ($5,518.88 of Action Plan funds and $11,481.12 of Program Income) to Parking Issues (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 2.). Approval of the modification is retroactive to March 2, 2018. (This is Phase II Plan Modification #9 and Phase III Plan Modification #3.)
4Community Participation Program09/05/18The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $9,540 in Program Income from Home Improvement Program (Housing C.2.) to the following Phase III priorities: (1) $2,000 in Program Income to 5th Street Pedestrian/Bike Bridge Enhancements (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 3.1.); (2) $4,540 in Program Income to Road Map for the Future of Greater Dinkytown (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 3.2.); and (3) $3,000 in Program Income to Elwell Park Signage/Kiosk (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 3.3.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #35 and Phase II Plan Modification #4.)
5Community Participation Program10/26/18The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $29,350 in Phase I Program Income to three Phase III priorities: 1) $31,350 in Program Income to Elwell Park Signage/Kiosk (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 3.3.); (2) $3,000 in Program Income to Creative Placemaking Micro-granting Program (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 4.1.); and (3) $5,000 in Program Income to Block Club Leader Program (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 4.2.). Additionally, the NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate a total of $6,100 of Phase II Plan funds to two Phase III strategies: (1) $2,500 to Inclusive Financing Feasibility Study (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 4.3.); and (2) $3,600 to Eastside Litter Container Program (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 4.4.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #36, Phase II Plan Modification #10, and Phase III Plan Modification #5.)
6Community Participation Program06/26/19The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $10,000 in Program Income from Home Improvement Program (Housing C.2.) to the following Phase III priorities: (1) $5,000 in Program Income to Road Map for the Future of Greater Dinkytown (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 3.2.); (2) $3,000 in Program Income to Dinkytown Farmers Market Expansion (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 5.1.); and (3) $2,000 in Program Income to Sheridan Story Weekend Food Project (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 5.2.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #37 and Phase III Plan Modification #6.)
7Community Participation Program11/04/19The NCR Director approved a modification to reallocate $3,000 in Program Income from Owner-occupied Housing Improvements (Housing 1.A.1.) to Creative Placemaking Micro-granting Program (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 4.1.). (This is Phase II Plan Modification #11 and Phase III Plan Modification #7.)
8Community Participation Program02/24/20The NCR Director approved a modification to reallocate $5,000 in Phase II Program Income from Owner-occupied Housing Improvements (Phase II Housing 1.A.1.) to Census 2020 Outreach (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 6.1.). (This is Phase II Plan Modification #12 and Phase III Plan Modification #8.)
9Community Participation Program07/08/20The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $385.53 in Program Income from Phase I Home Improvement Program (Housing C.2.) and $6,614.47 in Program Income from Phase II Owner-occupied Housing Improvements (Housing 1.A.1.). to the following Phase III priorities: (1) $4,000 to Emerald Ash Borer (Neighborhood Priorities 2.1.2) and (2) $3,000.00 to COVID-19 Response (Neighborhood Priorities 2.1.14). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #38, Phase II Plan Modification #13, and Phase III Plan Modification #9.)
10Community Participation Program09/22/20The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $14,300 in Phase II Program Income to the following Phase III priorities: (1) $5,000 in Program Income to Road Map for the Future of Greater Dinkytown (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 3.2.); (2) $5,300 to Elwell Park Signage/Kiosk (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 3.3.); and (3) $4,000 to Eastside Litter Container Program (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 4.4.). (This is Phase II Plan Modification #14 and Phase III Plan Modification #10.)
11Community Participation Program11/06/20The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate a total of $99,000 from the following strategies: (1) $17,100 from Rental Housing Improvements (Housing 1.A.2.); (2) $12,000 from Supplemental Exterior Inspections (Housing 1.A.4.); (3) $13,500 from Historic Preservation Planning Assistance (Housing 1.B.5.); (4) $49,000 from Rental to Ownership Conversion Incentives (Housing 1.C.6.); and (5) $7,400 from Additional Police Patrols (Livability 1.A.1.). The funds are reallocated to the following Phase III priorities: (1) $25,000 to Traffic Calming and Pedestrian Safety Program (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 8.1.); (2) $10,000 to Environmental and Greening Programming (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 8.2.); (3) $10,000 to Community Engagement (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 8.3.); and (4) $54,000 to Staffing/ Additional Program Implementation (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 8.4.). (This is Phase II Plan Modification #15 and Phase III Plan Modification #11.)
12Community Participation Program01/26/21The NCR Director approved a plan modification to change the name of "Block Club Leader Program" (Neighborhood Priorities 2.1.8.) to "Security Rebate Program" and revise the wording to allow for greater participation in the program.
13Community Participation Program02/07/22The Interim NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate a total of $1,288.16 in Program Income to Litter Prevention (Livability 1.C.7.) from the following Phase III Neighborhood Priorities: (1) $888.16 in Program Income from Census 2020 Outreach (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 6.1.); and (2) $400 from Neighborhoods Respond to COVID -19 (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 7.). (This is Phase II Plan Modification #16 and Phase III Plan Modification #13.)
14Community Participation Program11/17/22The NCR Director approved a modification to reallocate a total of $3,780.85 in Phase II Program Income to Litter Prevention (Phase II Livability 1.C.7.) from the following Phase III Neighborhood Priorities: (1) $2,791.91 in Program Income from Emerald Ash Borer (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 1.1.); (2) $150 in Program Income from Creative Placemaking Micro- granting Program (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 4.1.); and (3) $838.94 from Neighborhoods Respond to COVID -19 (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 7.). (This is Phase II Plan Modification #17 and Phase III Plan Modification #14.)
Marcy Holmes Community Participation Program Summary (SU-7 P3) run on 03/14/2025 at 9:50 AM